Technical Information
Pergasol® Blue R Liquid
Chemical nature
Azo dye preparation.
Physical form: blue liquid
Ionic charge: anionicLow-temperature stability: Not resistantto frost.
Areas of application
An economical, anionic, blue liquiddirect dye for the coloration of paperand paperboard.
Technical data
App.- viscosity* <= 100 mPa·s
pH- value* (assupplied) 7.0 – 9.0
Density 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm³
* For detailed information see Specification Data Sheet.
Pergasol Blue R Liquid can be used inthe coloration of uncoated, woodfreeprinting and writing grades and hygienicgrades such as deep dyed napkins andwaste-based products such as corrugatedboard materials. Can be used asa single addition or in conjunction withother Pergasol dyes to achieve accurateon-line color control.
- Easy to handle liquid dye
- Good fibre affinity
- Cost effective
- BfR approved (formerly GermanBgVV )
- German Azo ordinance approved
- Nordic Eco labeling approved
- EU eco-label for hygiene papers approved
- Blue Angel approved.
Storage facilities: Store in a cool, dryarea with adequate ventilationSegregation: No special precautionsStorage Conditions: No special conditions.Sensitive to heat over 40 °C. Sensitiveto cold under 0 °C.
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